Strategy | Ops | Finance | Tech

Global services


You have an idea, a passion, a drive. Perhaps you’ve already built a successful business. We can come alongside and help you refine your strategy, plan steps to realize the vision, and help you along the way.

How we work

Customized Engagements

We sit at the intersection of strategy, operations, finance, and technology. Said another way, we see the whole picture, from defining the strategy, implementing the operations and technology to execute the strategy, to understanding the necessary financial parameters. We’re not siloed into any one particular funnel and are able to help inform decisions with a breadth of knowledge.

Our engagements are built to meet your needs. This might be a limited consulting engagement or a broader, ongoing body of work. This could be remote, on-site, or some combination. We’ll work with you to understand your needs and find where we can come alongside.



What is your goal and how will you get there?

We work towards identifying a “kernel of strategy.” This consists first of accurate problem diganosis, then developing guiding principles in light of that diagnosis. Finally, we develop a set of coherent actions to implement the strategy.


How effective are your processes? Are your teams high functioning and healthy? Are you able to implement your strategy?

We help teams define + refine processes, design + optimize organizational structures, and manage organizational change.


How do you measure financial success and risk?

We complete rigorous financial planning and analysis to move teams beyond “cash in the bank” or other simplified metrics to deeply understand their financial situation. We provide insight into key levers to improve financial performance and to reduce financial risks.


Are you leading or lagging your industry? How are new technologies empowering your teams?

We provide in-depth assessment of current tools and build toolsets that leverage technology to create good jobs and effective organizations.

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